The first car was made in 1885 so i think marley mightve lived 1000+ years ahead of paradis
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Now I need to decide which one is the best so could you guys help me out
Just Updated
34 Votes in Poll
So is the boy at the end just going to cause a redo of the series? (like hell become the founding titan and maybe cause a different eight other titans)
14 Votes in Poll
Gg's mc! Pieke was second! and uh... yeah... thanks for voting.
42 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
Even though we all as fans love Erwin, in AoT Willy Tybur is canonically the most charismatic person.
You guys know the random page button? I just clicked it for the first time on this wiki. And I landed on "To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1". It feels like its good luck or something for me landing on the first episode/ chapter... Not to mention i just woke up from a dream/ nightmare before going on fandom. (reference to "Eren? Why are you crying" moment from the start of episode one)... I think the someone went to the tree again...
58 Votes in Poll
The inspiration behind the Warriors is actually very dark. Only people who knows the history of World War II will understand.
Do you guys think Levi and Mikasa lost their Ackerman power after the Rumbling? It is said that Ackermans are titans in human form so if the titan shifters lost their power then the Ackermans should too right?