Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki

Template:Unofficial Name Template:Infobox char This young man is an unnamed Survey Corps recruit. He joined the Survey Corps after the crowning of Historia Reiss at some point during the two months between the attack at Orvud District and the return to Shiganshina District.


This recruit appears to be of medium height with short, tousled blond hair. During the return to Shiganshina, he wears the standard Survey Corps uniform and cloak.


Return to Shiganshina arc

During the feast before the expedition to Shiganshina District, this soldier rhetorically asks Jean Kirstein if 104th recruits and former Garrison members such as himself and his friends are that unreliable. When Jean asks why he and his friends joined the Survey Corps, he says the increased propaganda for the Survey Corps after the uprising is what drew them in. This soldier notes how much the 104th soldiers have changed since they had graduated.[1]

This soldier is seen again during the Battle of Shiganshina to the north of Wall Maria alongside soldiers such as Marlowe Sand and Levi Ackerman. He panics during the Beast Titan's assault on their position, thinking the incoming boulders were cannonfire. Captain Levi helps the soldier up when he falls into a panic attack.[2] Marlowe scolds him for letting some of their horses run away in the attack, but this soldier in a frantic state says that it would be pointless to watch them if no one is going to survive for the return home. Thinking back on the ceremony where he joined the Garrison, he remarks that he thought he could be a soldier willing to give up his life for humanity, only to realize now that he is not and that his death will be pointless.[3]

When Erwin Smith gives his plan of a suicide charge against the Beast Titan to the recruits, this soldier asks if they are going to die and if it is even worth fighting if they are all destined to die anyways. Erwin agrees that they are all likely to die, but he urges the recruits to fight for the good of humanity nonetheless so that the living can give meaning to their deaths. This soldier participates in the suicidal charge against the Beast Titan.[4] After Levi attacks and defeats the Beast Titan, this soldier stands to his feet as the only known survivor of Erwin's charge. He begins to wander the battlefield searching for anyone else who may have survived.[5]



